Anaphylaxis is a sudden life-threatening allergic reaction that can manifest on the skin, respiratory tract, heart and blood vessels, nerves, and digestive system. The most common causes are medications, food, immunotherapy, insect bites. Anaphylaxis begins suddenly, symptoms appear within minutes. Key symptoms include skin rash, wheezing, audible stridor during inhalation, difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting. It is important to ensure the person’s airway and start treatment with adrenaline. Concurrent conditions such as coronary artery disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease complicate the treatment of this condition.
Source | Author Doctor Nikas Samuolis, reviewed by Prof. Virginijus Šapoka | Vilnius University | Faculty of Medicine | Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Oncology