

Esters, composed of long-chain fatty acids (C14-C36) and higher alcohols (C16-C31). General formula R – CO – O – R1


Wax structure of bees

Waxes secreted by the sebaceous glands of vertebrate skin serve a protective and softening function for the skin. Hair, animal wool, bird feathers (especially waterfowl) are covered with waxes. About 80% of the lipids covering plant leaves and fruits are waxes. It is known that waxes are also normal metabolites of certain microorganisms. Natural waxes such as beeswax, spermaceti, lanolin, besides the mentioned esters, contain a small amount of free fatty acids, alcohols, and carbohydrates.

Source | Glossary of Most Commonly Used Biomedical Terms and Concepts | Lithuanian University of Health Sciences | Academician Professor Antanas Praškevičius, Professor Laima Ivanovienė