Heart murmurs

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Heart murmurs create abnormal sounds during the heartbeat cycle, such as whooshing or swishing, due to turbulent blood flow in or near the heart. These sounds occur due to changes in the flow and a stethoscope detects them. Heart murmurs vary in intensity, pitch, and duration and may occur during the systolic or diastolic phases of the cardiac cycle. They fall into two categories: “innocent” (harmless) or “abnormal.” Abnormal murmurs potentially indicate underlying heart conditions like valve abnormalities, congenital heart defects, or other cardiovascular issues. A healthcare provider should evaluate heart murmurs to determine their cause and significance.

Source | Author Doctor Nikas Samuolis, reviewed by Prof. Virginijus Šapoka | Vilnius University | Faculty of Medicine | Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Oncology