C-reactive protein in urine

Laboratory test

CRP in urine 0–5 µg/l
Ratio CRPurine/CRPserum 0.9–1.1

Synonyms: C-reactive protein, CRP, CRP, C-reactive protein.
Urine container

C-reactive protein (CRP) – a classic indicator of inflammation activity in serum. Determining the ratio of CRP in serum and urine (together with determining the concentration of α1-microglobulins) is used to evaluate renal function in kidney transplantation.

• Sometimes – impending rejection of a kidney transplant;
• Secondary amyloidosis;
• High-grade proteinuria;

Decrease in the ratio CRPurine/CRPserum
• Glomerular proteinuria

Increase in the ratio CRPurine/CRPserum
• Bacterial infection.

Source | Handbook of Basic Laboratory Tests | Doctor of Medical Sciences Gintaras Zaleskis