
Description of the disease

Description of the Disease

Hemorrhoids involve the dilation and inflammation of the blood vessels (veins) in the anal area. More than 50% of people over 50 years old experience some degree of hemorrhoids, affecting both genders at approximately the same frequency.

Cause of the Disease

The exact cause of hemorrhoids remains unclear. Various factors that increase pressure in the lower part of the rectum contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. These factors include straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation, pregnancy, obesity, and heredity.


The classification of hemorrhoidal nodes includes:

I. Slightly enlarged nodes. II. Nodes that prolapse during bowel movements but return to their normal position on their own. III. Nodes that prolapse during bowel movements and require manual assistance to be pushed back. IV. Hemorrhoidal nodes that have prolapsed and cannot be pushed back.


One of the first symptoms of hemorrhoids is the appearance of blood at the end of a bowel movement. Initially, one may notice only a few drops of fresh blood on the toilet paper. Other common symptoms include:

  • Itching or discomfort in the anal area
  • Swelling in the anal area
  • Prolapse of hemorrhoidal nodes (a palpable lump at the end of a bowel movement)


Identifying first-degree hemorrhoids during an examination is generally not possible. Doctors can identify third-degree hemorrhoids during a digital rectal examination. Fourth-degree hemorrhoids are evident upon inspection. Rectoscopy, a method where a specialized instrument examines the rectum, is one of the main diagnostic tools for this condition.


Doctors treat mild hemorrhoids with medication, typically prescribing suppositories containing analgesics and steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Various non-surgical treatments for hemorrhoidal nodes include rubber band ligation, infrared radiation treatment, sclerotherapy, and cryotherapy. The physician and patient choose the treatment method together.

Surgical treatment involves removing the hemorrhoidal nodes.

Source | Author Doctor Nikas Samuolis, reviewed by Prof. Virginijus Šapoka | Vilnius University | Faculty of Medicine | Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Oncology