Dry skin dermatitis or dry skin eczema

Description of the disease

Description of the Disease

Dry skin dermatitis – itching skin inflammation caused by skin dryness.

Causes or Risk Factors of the Disease

The causes of dry skin dermatitis are not fully known. The main cause of this type of dermatitis is factors that cause skin dryness – frequent washing, especially with soap, shower gel, with hot water, and improper skin care. It most commonly affects elderly people due to age-related changes in the skin, but infants, young children, and even adults can also be affected. Seasonal variation is observed – more cases occur in winter than in summer, especially in low humidity during the heating season.


In dry skin dermatitis, the skin initially becomes very dry, then starts to crack. Characteristic rashes – itchy, flaky, red patches. Flaking in a mesh pattern, with cracks in the horny layer. It usually affects the legs, sometimes the hands, torso. If dry skin dermatitis is left untreated, chronic inflammation develops, the skin hardens, thickens.


Diagnosed based on clinical symptoms.


Proper skin care – not too frequent washing with lukewarm water, moisturizing, oily cleansers and moisturizers – nourishing creams, ointments 3-4 times a day, and when inflammation subsides, 1-2 times a day;

In case of signs of inflammation, medium-potency corticosteroid creams can be applied briefly;

Humidify the air during the winter season.

Source | Author Doctor Nikas Samuolis, reviewed by Prof. Virginijus Šapoka | Vilnius University | Faculty of Medicine | Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Oncology