
Description of the disease

Chondrocalcinosis can manifest as both acute and chronic disease. Acute chondrocalcinosis is inflammation of one or more joints caused by crystals. The disease can affect knees, wrists, shoulders, elbows, and hand joints. The chronic form of the disease resembles osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. It typically affects older adults, although individuals under 60, especially those with metabolic disorders such as hyperparathyroidism or hemochromatosis, are also susceptible. Diagnosing joint inflammation caused by calcium pyrophosphate crystals can be challenging due to the difficulty in detecting small crystals in joint fluid. There is no cure for chondrocalcinosis, but symptoms can be relieved with intra-articular glucocorticoids.

Source | Author Doctor Nikas Samuolis, reviewed by Prof. Virginijus Šapoka | Vilnius University | Faculty of Medicine | Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Oncology