Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, VIP
VIP is a hormonal substance that affects intestinal secretion. It has vasodilatory and antiproliferative properties. When the concentration of VIP in the blood increases, intense diarrhea always occurs. An excess of this substance can cause the syndrome of “pancreatic cholera,” hypokalemia, dehydration, malabsorption, weakness. VIP is involved in regulating the water content in the body, promotes chloride ion secretion, inhibits sodium reabsorption in the intestine. In addition, the following symptoms are also characteristic; increased calcium concentration, impaired glucose tolerance, fever of unknown origin. The term VIPoma is used in clinical practice. The concentration of the VIP polypeptide never changes during ulcerative colitis, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, and Crohn’s disease.
Source | Glossary of Most Commonly Used Biomedical Terms and Concepts | Lithuanian University of Health Sciences | Academician Professor Antanas Praškevičius, Professor Laima Ivanovienė