Stress, tension


Human physiological and mental state of tension caused by external and internal stimuli. Tension can be caused by various unfavorable factors, traumas. It is caused by fear, noise, conflicts in the family or at work, daily worries, feeling of insecurity, social problems, stressful work, constant rush or even the weather. Prolonged tension is harmful to health. Behavior changes. Possible changes: sleep disturbances, appetite disorders, increased smoking, alcohol, drug use, outbursts of anger, irritability, aggressiveness, effectiveness. If tension lasts long, a person becomes tired, depressed, nervous, indecisive, unable to concentrate, suffering from insomnia or drowsiness. Sometimes tension can stimulate activity, creativity, ingenuity. However, prolonged uncontrolled tension depletes the psyche and the immune system of the body and can cause diseases such as stomach ulcers, heart attacks, etc.

Source | Glossary of Most Commonly Used Biomedical Terms and Concepts | Lithuanian University of Health Sciences | Academician Professor Antanas Praškevičius, Professor Laima Ivanovienė